Paid Facebook Ads
We provide Paid Facebook Advertising Campaigns for Businesses who want to reach their audience via Social Media. We will set up your campaigns and create your content as well as Banner Content and Ads.
Facebook Ads have such low entry level so I encourage everyone with a Small Business to try it. You can spend as much or as little as you want. Its so much easier to create and manage than any other Online Advertising Medium currently available in the market. Its much easier than Twitter, Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. I believe thats why they are making billions of dollars a month.
Facebook Ads: Create FB Business Page
Before you can create your first FB Ad, you will have to create your own, FB Business Page. Here are things that you need to prepare when creating your FB business page:
- Business / Company Logo at 170 x 170 pixels (Square)
- Desktop Cover Photo 820 pixels x 320 pixels
- Mobile Cover Photo 640 pixels x 360 pixels
- The minimum requirement of the cover photo is 399 pixels width and 150 pixels tall
- Summary of Business Page
- Long Description for Business Page
- Physical Address of business (must have citations from other local, relevant directories)
- Make sure you choose the correct Category and Sub-Category
Please choose photos that are professional-looking because even if you can write the best Ad copies for your Facebook Audience, they need to instinctively trust your business. Using professional looking photos is one way of getting your users to trust your FB Page.
Advertising on Facebook
So everyone knows how to advertise on Facebook — you choose your own budget, location, demographics. Its all there in an easy to understand format and it won’t be hard to lose your way when navigating. Its also ok to make a few bad FB Ads first so that you know what a good one is. Some important metrics:
- Having your FB Ads target Fans will result in a 700% CTR or Click Through Rate. Fans of your Facebook page are your current clients, your loyal followers.
- Local Ads will automatically attract local users so use words that a lot of Users can relate with
- Use images that look professional and images that your target users can relate with
If you need a seasoned Marketing to “hook you up” on FBX or “Facebook Dynamic Ads” so that you can retarget Users to close the sale or reach more people that are aligned with your service then FBX is the way to go. You can target FB users based on their searches on Google, Bing and Yahoo. Its pretty cool.