Client Resources
Welcome to our resource page for Clients! When you need a document like an Admin Manual, the Web dev process or want to see an SEO Case Study, this is your page. If you don’t see what you are looking for, please contact us.

Basic Package
Ideal for Small Business with one location

Visible Package
For Small Businesses targeting Multiple Locations

Optimize Package
For Small Business in very competitive Online Industries
Administration Manuals
- Admin Manual — this PDF is an Administration Manual for WordPress Content Management Systems. If you have a WordPress site, you will definitely need this. If you are our client and need your Admin credentials, please contact us.
- Admin Manual: Adding a New User — If you don’t need the entire Administration Manual and you simply need to know how to add a new User to your WordPress Backend. This is the resource you need. This section is also included in the WP Administration Manual.
- Admin Manual: Choosing a Blog Author — When you have multiple blog writers and you need to choose one, this is the resource your need. This section is also included in the WP Administration Manual.
- Add a Recipe using Muffin Builder (WP Plugin) — Instructions on how to add recipes using the plugin, Muffin Builder. For cooking, health and nutrition websites built on WordPress.
Web Design and Development
- Basic Website Package Rundown — here is a complete list of everything we provide in the Basic Website Package, our most popular local SEO package for SMBs who want high visibility without the high cost. We guarantee, there is no other website package that comes close.
- Web Development Process — we created this PDF because a lot of our new clients want to know the details of our web development process. Here it is with timeframes included. We try our best to stick to the timeframes but as long as we are receiving content from our clients in a timely manner, we should be able to hit launch dates.
- Website Support Flowchart: Email — this PDF shows the flowchart of our email support system. We created this to help our clients navigation our 24/7 support service.
- Contract Exclusions — this is a standard list of all the elements excluded from our standard web packages and website contracts. If you would like to include any of them during development, please let us know.
- Hosting Agreement — this is our Basic Website Hosting Agreement, once you pay the invoice, this is the agreement that you agree to.
Search Engine Optimization
- SEO Homepage Design Brief — because we work with multiple designers, we’ve created a homepage design brief that will help designers create a Search Engine Friendly homepage. This is a PDF so as soon as you click, your browser will download the file.
- SEO Content Brief — This page provides the ideal optimized content requirement for a landing page. When writing your content, this is the resource you need.
- SEO Case Study (Real Estate) — this PDF Is an SEO Case Study on a Real Estate Client. It’s an older study and when we actually find the time, we will update it. We were able to increase website visits and conversion rates by over 100%.
- Basic Package Ranking Trajectory — This is an example of the ranking trajectory of our “Basic Website Package” — the only Web + SEO package in the world that integrates Technical SEO into a website package for only $6,500
- Basic Package Ranking Trajectory for a National Organization — This is the example of the power of our basic website for a National Organization that has such high keyword difficulties. The basic package is able to deliver results!
Social Media Best Practices
- Social Media Best Practices — Increase Online visibility by adopting Social Media Best practices from an SEO perspective.
- How to add Full Ownership of your FB page — When we manage your FB page, you will need to add us a full owner of your FB page. Here are the steps.

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