
The Value of Transactional Keywords

The Value of Transactional Keywords

In the past, I’ve always harped about “know your keywords” and part of knowing your keywords is understanding how Users are using them.  The first step in knowing your keywords is knowing the type of keywords.

There are four basic types of keywords and these are:

  • Informational keywords — questions or general information
  • Navigational keywords — company information keywords
  • Commercial keywords — brand focused
  • Transactional keywords — these are your buyers

This blog is going to particularly focus on transactional keywords.

As an SEO Company, we have three tiers for our SEO Campaigns and each tier is determined by how many hours we put into the campaign to get first page or high visibility.  The budget limits are there for obvious reasons and even more so now, in the time of the pandemic.  So how do we maximize our SEO Campaigns to make sure our clients are getting their money’s worth and then some?   By focusing on transactional keywords.

Transactional keywords are the keywords that Users search for at the end of the search funnel.  They’ve already done the research, they already know what they want to buy.  By focusing on transactional keywords and analyzing the strengths of my client’s website vs. competitors website, we are keeping their monthly online budget low but at the same time, increasing online inquiries.

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How to determine transactional keywords

The easiest way to determine transactional keywords is by utilizing an online keyword tool like, who provide an entire table of information about the keywords, including the type of keyword.  If you are not using a keyword tool, the easiest way to spot a transactional keyword are when you see the following within the keyword phrase…

  • “buy”
  • “for sale”
  • “order”
  • “purchase”
  • “reserve”
  • “make a booking”
  • “schedule appointment”
  • “apply”

Some examples of this are…

  • “where can i buy…”
  • “homes for sale….”
  • “car for sale…”
  • “purchase iphone 13….”
  • “order meals…”

Low volume searches, high buying intent

Most transactional keywords are over 4 words long because the User already knows the details of what they are looking for.  Back in the days, this was defined as a, “long tail keyword” — and back in the days, we also focused our basic SEO Campaigns on long tail keywords that had low volume searches but high buying intent.

Its important to note that having landing pages that convert is key.  It would be impossible to increase online revenues without  having a landing page that wasn’t immediately User-friendly.

<span style="font-size:20px;">by</span> Fevi Yu
by Fevi Yu

SEO Consultant since 2008

Fevi Yu is a seasoned SEO consultant, digital agency founder, and the visionary behind the Basic Website Package—an innovative web and SEO solution crafted for business owners aiming for immediate results. She’s also the creator of the Unlimited WP Maintenance Package, which provides comprehensive WordPress support to enhance website performance and ensure long-term success. This article was written with the assistance of generative AI for enhanced clarity and precision.

Aneth Coloma
Aneth Coloma

Social Media Manager

Aneth is our Social Media Manager. She’s a creative-technical hybrid with almost 10 years of experience in digital marketing with a focus on social media. From writing to design, she can handle all aspects of social media content creation and her ability to analyze social media insights can help grow a brand’s online presence. She takes initiative, drives results, and stays current with evolving trends.

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