At the beginning of the year we offered a huge discount (50% off) for our clients to avail of our Brand Monitoring service so that they can receive a monthly report comparing their online progress vs. their competitors. I personally love getting these reports because I’m very competitive and I know a lot of Small Business Owners are also competitive like that. A handful of clients took us up on the offer and purchased our discounted Brand Monitoring reports. I personally have to gather these reports every month to send to them and I love seeing the progress.
See table, from a client’s Social Media Report for September 2016

You can see their astounding increase in engagement month to month and in the month of September, they managed to increase their engagement by 170% — how is that for progress?
Aside from Social Media reports they also receive position tracking reports that compare how well their website is doing compared to their competitors, example of the position tracking report is below:

The visibility chart helps provide a visual representation of how visible your website is compared to your competitors. You can monitor this on a weekly or monthly basis.
If you know your Stats, you know where to Improve
We always tell our clients, “We are only as good as our clients.”
We will provide the knowledge and the information you need in order to make smart decisions about your website but we cannot do the work without our clients approving it or asking us how to improve their website. I believe the reports make it easy for our clients to know what decisions to make with regards to their online ranking and social media platforms.
By default, whenever we build a website we also integrate Google Analytics / Search Console as well as an independent server analytic program called Awstats. If you don’t know how to access any of these accounts, please ask us how. If you want to know what your competitors are doing and if that is something that will make you more active on your website, please request for the Brand Monitoring package.