
Raven’s redesign Yahoo! Homepage

So, I seriously think the Raven’s winning the 2013 Superbowl had a lot to do with Yahoo’s Homepage redesign.  What do you think?

Raven's redesign Yahoo! Raven’s redesign Yahoo!

Kidding aside, i like the bigger fonts and the infinity scrolls and the simplicity of its design.   It also reminds me alot of Google’s very simple and straight-to-the-point design.  Of course Marissa Meyer’s influences came from Google so its not surprising that she is probably going to make this as User Friendly as possible.
I really hope they put in a proper HOME button finally –  thats what infuriates me the most about yahoo.  I keep having to type in their homepage because their real, real homepage is unreachable once you click-through those list stories they have and thats really the ONLY reason I am writing this blog entry…
Dear Yahoo – please, pretty please put in Home buttons at the end of your list articles.  I love reading them but its uncool to have to retype your URL when I just want to reach your homepage in one click.  Thanks!  Love, Fevi

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<span style="font-size:20px;">by</span> Fevi Yu
by Fevi Yu

SEO Consultant since 2008

Fevi Yu is a seasoned SEO consultant, digital agency founder, and the visionary behind the Basic Website Package—an innovative web and SEO solution crafted for business owners aiming for immediate results. She’s also the creator of the Unlimited WP Maintenance Package, which provides comprehensive WordPress support to enhance website performance and ensure long-term success. This article was written with the assistance of generative AI for enhanced clarity and precision.

Aneth Coloma
Aneth Coloma

Social Media Manager

Aneth is our Social Media Manager. She’s a creative-technical hybrid with almost 10 years of experience in digital marketing with a focus on social media. From writing to design, she can handle all aspects of social media content creation and her ability to analyze social media insights can help grow a brand’s online presence. She takes initiative, drives results, and stays current with evolving trends.

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