We launched this website about three weeks ago. IvySummit, a premier college consulting firm, required an optimized website to get the most visibility and to reflect their expertise in Ivy League admissions consulting. They chose our Basic Website Package, which is our best selling service and is a combination of web design, web development and technical SEO — services that are typically provided separately.
We launched their website on February 1, 2024 and today is February 23. Within three weeks of launch, our client has informed us that he has already received inquiries. Based on the analytics screenshot above, you can see the website has site visitors from 10 countries but the actual numbers are from 27 countries. The average engagement time per user was over 1 minute, which is fantastic! An engagement rate of 53% further validates the site’s success, signifying that more than half of the visitors are within the target demographic.
Another important metric are SERPs or Search Engine Results Pages, and here are SERP results of IvySummit.com after only 3 weeks of launch.